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The lines are from an Abba song, and no, I am not going to talk about the song. But this ‘knowing’ is an intriguing topic, whether it be knowing yourself or someone else. We all have claimed at some point or another to know someone well enough. BUT…. How well do we know another, or more precisely, how well can we know another?

I started thinking more on the topic when in one of my usual wandering of thoughts a realisation hit me. Parents know their children only up to a certain point in their life, mostly till the time they turn into adults and/or leave home. On the other hand children know their parents only from a certain point in their life, their own birth. The life (of their parents) that came before is a closed book to them.

Of course there may be both children and parents who have overcome these hurdles with excellent communication. But even then, it is not easy. To most children parents are just that, parents. To think of them as these young people with hopes, dreams and longings is difficult. Conversely, for the most part parents also see children only as little ones to be taken care of, not as grown ups with their own personality that has evolved over time.

By the way, do you know what I think is funny about this whole ‘knowing’ another business? That many of us don’t even know our own selves. That’s where one should start. Once we understand the ‘me’ knowing the ‘you’ will not seem so important.

That’s it for today. Let me wind up before someone or other throws rotten tomatoes at me for my ideas on knowing. 😉

©️ Shail Mohan 2024