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There’s no law against flaunting ignorance and more’s the pity. Look how some time back a retired Judge, no less, said  peacocks don’t mate but rather the ‘chaste’ peahen gets pregnant by drinking the peacock’s tears. If this is the first you are reading about this, I am really sorry for making you fall off your chair laughing. There has been more in like vein, an education minister claiming cows inhale and exhale oxygen, and someone or other saying cow-dung protects from radiation.

All rip-roaring funny alright, but what is  definitely NOT is a recent claim by an MLA that child marriage will put an end to elopement and more of such balderdash. What a long and hard battle dedicated people had to fight to put child-marriage behind us and how tirelessly others are still fighting to convince parents (the irony that they need convincing!) to educate girl children and not marry them off till AT LEAST eighteen. And then along comes a nincompoop trying to undo it all.  I may be setting my hopes too high, but I sincerely hope he gets laughed out of the picture by EVERYONE.

PS: I am purposely not linking to any of the news. If you’d like to read about them Google is your best bet.

©Shail Mohan 2018


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Daily Prompt: Flaunt