

That’s what I want to tell this unwelcome guest who has settled down as if for a long haul. Yes, I do mean Mr C, of who I wrote in my previous post. That was three weeks back and means Mr C has been sticking to me like leech for that long. Before anyone misunderstands, let me reveal the identity of Mr C. The persistent cough which is refusing to go away. Hence the ‘enough is enough’.

What I desire right now is to look Mr C in the eye and state firmly and sternly, ‘Enough is enough!’ and add ‘Get lost!’ and also maybe, ‘Never ever show your face again!’

If only wishes could be horses, eh? It’s all very well for me to wish with all my heart to see the last of the pest, but what is one to do when Mr C does not heed my words, or even the words of those trained to send it on its way?

Take these medicines, said the doctor, the expert on sending the likes of Mr C packing. Also these. After food, mind you. A third one on the list is not for swallowing. Let it disperse in the mouth. The next one on the list is for inhaling. Nebulise, okay?

Have I told you before how I am a Miss Goody Two-Shoes? No, no I am not going off course or rambling. Desist the idea that Mr C has done damage to my brain cells and has made me start babbling. Of course I am exactly on the path I want to walk on and though at first sight it may not seem so, there is purpose to my question. Bear (but not bare) with me!

As a student, I obeyed my teachers. I always obey the traffic rules. I also obey doctors, to the letter. Not for me the remedies that Sushma, Sofia and Suhana swear by because it worked for an aunt’s cousin’s grandmother’s brother’s son. Not for me the ‘remedies’ circulated by the ‘professors’ and ‘students’ of WhatsApp University or Instagram for that matter. Not for me the over the counter prescriptions by shopkeepers who imagine themselves to be doctors of standing.

Oh no siree. None of the above. I prefer the trained doctors of what is called modern medicine over any of the above. I listen to what they have to say and follow their dictum to the letter. Miss Goody Two Shoes. So that’s what I am doing now too. And yet, it’s taking longer than expected.

These things cannot be hurried, I know. One has to be patient, stick to the instructions and wait for things to take a turn for the better. It’s hard indeed. And though there is this uncontrollable desire to yell, ‘Enough is enough!’ and also ‘Get lost and never ever show your face!’ one has to control oneself as otherwise it will only strengthen Mr C’s hands.

Luckily for me patience is a virtue I can call my own.

©️ Shail Mohan 2023