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And just like that we are at the end of the year, rather the first day of the last month of the year. Imagine, in thirty days it will be Twenty Twenty-four. Oh wow! Time just flew this year, quite unlike the Covid times, when it seemed to hang around twiddling its thumbs.

The past month has been a busy one for me, bustling with activities, and this is apart from my regular lessons (electronic keyboard). Talking of keyboard classes reminds of the difficulty I am facing as of now, of learning things by rote. This was something I could never do. not even during my student days. Expressing myself in my own words has always been easier for me than mugging things up.

Right now though, I am supposed to learn the scales by heart. I am sure in my younger days this would have come easier to me in spite of not liking the rote method. But now, I keep forgetting. I can play the tune, but not remember the scales. The irony! Oh well, I have only just begun and perhaps I need to give it time.

Getting back to the busy month. I went gallivanting the countryside (Not really!) I just gathered together a few times at some local places with a herd of my friends and have been having a gala time. Birthday parties, a housewarming, get-togethers, visits, the festival of Diwali, a concert, some exhibitions, book fairs et al. In between I took some days off to quietly spend with the First Born and the DiL who made a brief appearance. No matter of the brevity of their visit though because we’ll be meeting up with them again this month.

Amidst all this I found time to paint a couple of watercolours and also look at the moon, the clouds, rains, sunsets, butterflies, flowers et al and use my phone camera to capture them. So that had been November, for whom I had big plans, of filling up pages and pages with words. But that didn’t work out as planned. Let’s see what December holds. 🤔