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A moment in time
Savoured and held as truly mine
When a heart was given
In exchange for another, without questions
When love was like never before
Not ever since.

A moment borne away by laden clouds
Sped along by winds
Rained joyfully
Upon the insidiously winding river
Touched by the lone-witness, the tree
And swiftly carried by currents to the limitless sea

A moment that in the relentless sun
Rose again as unsullied vapour
Condensed by cool moonbeams on a full moon night
Found on  petals and leaf tips at dawn
Dew drops that shine like tear drops,
My most beautiful thing……….

– Shail Mohan (April 2012)

Today I’m taking part in the My Most Beautiful Thing Blogsplash to celebrate beautiful things – inspired by Fiona Robyn’s new novel, The Most Beautiful Thing. Bloggers from all over the world are taking part and writing or posting pictures of their most beautiful things today. Find out more here and see everyone else’s blog posts here